Sascha Fitness BCAA Supplements

Sascha Fitness BCAA Supplements

All you need to know!

The BCAA (branched chain amino acids: valine, leucine, isoleucine) are ideal for anyone who trains, whether you seek to increase muscle mass, maintain or lose fat, when you train intensely your body needs enough amino acids to prevent you from using your protein as source of energy: Gluconeogenesis, which is nothing more than obtaining glucose through sources other than carbohydrates.

In gluconeogenesis there is a part that should interest all who train, it is called the Glucose-Alanine cycle. In this cycle, the BCAAs are detached from the muscle tissue and parts of it are converted to the amino-Alanine which is then taken to the liver and transformed into glucose.

The BCAA taken pass directly to the muscle without having to stop in the liver, its availability is fast and efficient. At the same time this essential amino acid has other benefits:

- Increase protein synthesis, help increase muscle mass. They prevent catabolism because they help convert amino acids into energy during intense workouts, thus preventing muscle cell wear.

- Increase muscular resistance and energy. They also improve the mood.

- BCAAs, especially Leucine helps burn more calories and improves glucose levels.

- They stimulate the loss of fat. The excellent thing about them is that they allow you to diet without losing muscle.

- They also improve insulin sensitivity and rejuvenate! 

- Help you segregate less cortisol. When you train very hard the body becomes stressed and can release it (like when you sleep less than 7 hours), cortisol wears out muscle and stimulates the synthesis of fat.

If you are looking to lose fat take 4 capsules (or 2-5 gr) after training. If you want to increase muscle 5 gr before and after (4 pills before and after). Take them for three months, rest a month and go back to them again.



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